The Power of the Point


Regarding the digital application I would find the most useful for me as a teacher, is PowerPoint.  With my experiences not only in schools, University, and this Digital Pedagogies subject, I unfortunately can’t go past a mix of PowerPoint, and then using Google Classrooms to distribute it to the class. For a while I considered using my Padlet but as of right now it is empty due to the massive workload of week 5’s subjects. But onward with PowerPoint, and I understand it’s the easy way out but regarding what I require as a future ITD (Industrial Technology and Design) teacher, The fact it can be utilised in many ways, with the use of images, videos, links, and a full presentation, it right now is the most easily accessible and managed.

Having most classes for only a few hours a week means that lessons are required to be efficient and effective. Having the ability to include Images, infographics, graphs, YouTube, TED talks and demonstration videos can add to the effectiveness of the lesson. Having short sharp answers and directions for learning content, students can go through a slide at their own pace and the information is set for them. They can also come back at a later date and retrieve, revise or revisit the information put forward in the PowerPoint. This provides more flexibility and opportunities to provide audio, video and text that students can complete at home on their time (Waterford,2020).

Making up a PowerPoint presentation for this week’s reflection wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Or so I thought…Having made a few up over my time in University I thought I would be all over it. But that’s the thing with PowerPoint, it can be used for so much more than just a slide of images and text. Having the ability to put Speech to the text and images, insert links and URLs to web pages, insert videos and music are just the things I have been made aware about. So below is a way I will show how to make a very straight forward version of a PowerPoint that students can complete for a short assessment piece.

I will use grade 7’s, not just because they’d be the closest thing to a group who have had minimal reactions with PowerPoint, but because they will use their Gen-Z tech savviness to complete one with ease. 

Regarding legal, ethical and safety, once the Teacher has put forward the PowerPoint, it is a great way to demonstrate to students how they should appropriately credit the ideas and intellectual property that they use and that are not their own original concepts or ideas. Teachers should also assist students in how to make an individuals or groups work private. This should aid students into the future regarding ICT and its correct uses within a classroom.

SAMR – Grade 7 Lid design

Substitution (Images 1 - 4 below) – Students will use the PowerPoint that is half completed and         research ideas on what material will best suit what they require and how it suits their design. 





Augmentation (Images 5 - 8 below) – Students will replace the kick starter images and put in their own gathered ideas (Images, Text, Video)




 (Image 8) – Individuals will be paired up with a buddy, if there is an odd number then groups of 3
are fine, to discuss ideas in PowerPoints. Students do not need to move, this can all be done via email. Students will take on the suggestions of their peers and adjust or modify their designs accordingly.


 Redefinition (Images 9 - 10)– Students will communicate via their evaluation how the overall design process was for them personally and how peer feedback made the think differently than their initial design. 



References –

Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom: A Guide for Educators, 2020 -

Learning Continuum of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability -


  1. Hi Jim,
    Just want to say what an impressive post this week!
    I like your idea of using PowerPoint and Google classrooms. I agree with the application in the classroom with effective use of digital presentations with short and sharp answers and directions.

    I really like the way you have put together your PowerPoint, nice images and graphics and I'm sure it will be a great future resource you could use for your classes!

    I also appreciate how you used the PowerPoint slides to concisely explain the SAMR model this week.

    Overall, very well done I cant fault it!

    All the best with the rest of this unit,
    Kind regards,


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