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The Power of the Point

  Regarding the digital application I would find the most useful for me as a teacher, is PowerPoint.   With my experiences not only in schools, University, and this Digital Pedagogies subject, I unfortunately can’t go past a mix of PowerPoint, and then using Google Classrooms to distribute it to the class. For a while I considered using my Padlet but as of right now it is empty due to the massive workload of week 5’s subjects. But onward with PowerPoint, and I understand it’s the easy way out but regarding what I require as a future ITD (Industrial Technology and Design) teacher, The fact it can be utilised in many ways, with the use of images, videos, links, and a full presentation, it right now is the most easily accessible and managed. Having most classes for only a few hours a week means that lessons are required to be efficient and effective. Having the ability to include Images, infographics, graphs, YouTube, TED talks and demonstration videos can add to the effectiveness of th

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