You as a Contemporary Teacher?

To what extent is it reasonable to conclude that if you are not experiencing positive or negative emotions about the materials and activities in any learning experience, that you are potentially disinterested or not motivated? Discuss in relation to your first emotional response to the nature of this unit.
The beginning of this unit made me feel a little bit stranded. I know enough about technology and once shown what is required can find my way around quite effectively. But intentionally or not this subject gave me cause for concern with how much is required and what may be required. For starters, I am doing the degree Solo and online, yet this is the first subject that has stipulated to get the course information you must first Socialise, so-to-speak.

It gave me a thought that due to my current workload and home life that maybe best I put this subject on the backburner and move it to another term. But I am going to press ahead and hopefully get through this subject the best way I can.

Elaborate on your emotions on engaging further with this unit? Positive, negative. Indifferent?
The subject matter makes the subject sound appealing but the actual content is as clear as mud. No clear direction on where to be, what to do and how best to do it. No examples or possible hints on how to complete. Makes things tricky when the only thing I am studying is Industrial Technology and Design. We use Google Classrooms and AutoCAD. That's about the extent.

I'm indifferent about my possibilities in this subject but hopefully I can get through it.

To what extent do you have the commitment to actively interrogate your emotions, and your beliefs about creative pedagogy (that extends beyond the mere delivery of information to your learners)? How might you be challenged to engage as you enter this unit?
I come into the subject with limited knowledge. Not to say no knowledge, but limited. For example, I have never had a blog. Never created one, never wanted one, never really read one. First is creating a Padlet, Google Blog or Blogger. After creating these, that's when I was closest to putting this subject on the burner and pushing it forward. I am private person, and it is challenging when not ask but told you have to engage with your peers and form groups with people you haven't met before.

Identify your present values and beliefs about ICT in the classroom. Keep it brief and focused.
ICT is a classroom necessity. Even prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic it was a handy tool for getting more information across to the learners. But now, these technologies have engrained themselves and are now a requirement for every classroom and education setting moving forward. Not just for Teacher to student, but Teacher to Teacher and Student to Student.

Your approach to teaching and learning
I approach Teaching in a way of showing and demonstrating. If I can demonstrate a what, how and give the students a visual example, i think that works best. It's also the best way for me to learn. If i can see someone do something I usually have no issues doing it as well.

Identify any challenges to your current values and beliefs as you enter this unit?
There are no real challenges or barriers outside of how else I could possibly bring more technology into the classroom or workshop. We have our CAD and Design applications. Regarding proof of work, picture evidence etc, iPads are made readily available and personal phones are not allowed to be used between school hours. Students can too easily become distracted with their own technology. We have digital and computing classroom set ups as well 3D and Laser cutting applications. The only real negative is finding a way to bring other parts of digital tools into an already fully equipped subject matter.

What experience do you have with ICT in the classroom?
My classroom experience with ICT is basic. Most of my teaching needs are with the Microsoft office compilation (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.), Cad programs and differing variety of 3D and Laser cutting applications. Recently I have found myself using quite a large quantity of Zoom and Google Classrooms. Although I would still say I have plenty to learn regarding ICT and the digital possibilities.



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